Our Teams

To take a trivial example

To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?

Dewey Hall

Dewey Hall

CEO, Co-Founder

As a CEO, O'NEIL uses his 30 years of experience to bring everything and every together, at the right time.

Lorenzo Pope

Lorenzo Pope

Interaction Designer

As a CEO, O'NEIL uses his 30 years of experience to bring everything and every together, at the right time.

Perry Larson

Perry Larson

Sales Manager

As a CEO, O'NEIL uses his 30 years of experience to bring everything and every together, at the right time.

Darren Klein

Darren Klein

Experience Designer

As a CEO, O'NEIL uses his 30 years of experience to bring everything and every together, at the right time.

Dewey Hall

Dewey Hall

CEO, Co-Founder

As a CEO, O'NEIL uses his 30 years of experience to bring everything and every together, at the right time.

Dewey Hall

Dewey Hall

CEO, Co-Founder

As a CEO, O'NEIL uses his 30 years of experience to bring everything and every together, at the right time.


Noticias Importantes

ODUCAL Perú Presidenta

Dra. Patricia Campos Olazábal
Universidad Católica Santo Toribio, Chicalyo

Vice Presidente

Dr. Germán Chávez Contreras
Universidad Católica San Pablo, Arequipa

Página ODUCAL Perú

RP Dr Juan José Lydon McHugh, OSA
Universidad Católica de Trujillo


ODUCAL Región del Perú

Once Universidades Católicas del Perú formando líderes con valores al servicio del mundo.